
Postmodernism... as defined by Moe the bartender.

Postmodernism as defined by
The exact definition of postmodernism is a subject of heated debate. Broadly defined, it describes everything following the so called modern historical period of the mid 20th century. Rapid advances in technology created an unprecedented upheaval in society, art, and culture, all of which have been associated with the postmodernist movement. Most consider postmodernism to be a literary and philosophical reaction to the optimistic Modernist ideals of progress and reason. Its works often take a dystopian or nihilistic view, where constant technological change and mediation rob us of our humanity and all things "real". One of its major themes is that everything has been done before and our culture is now a mass-produced mashup of recycled ideas and icons. While proponents see it as a liberating way to frame reality despite the inherent bias of language and media, its critics consider methods like deconstruction an intellectual cop-out. Despite the debate, there is no doubt that postmodern ideas have shaped our world. 

In Modernism, reality used to validate media. In Postmodernism, the media validate reality. If you don't believe this, just think how many times you've described some real event as being 'just like a movie.'
Brad Holland 


What is Postmodernism? An explanation of post modernity and an exposure of its obscurity. Postmodernism challenges the progressive thought of the last century...It is essentially 'after modern'.